
1,5 h


Year round

Target group:

Forms 1 – 12


In a foreign language, a guide fee of 40€ is added



Begins with a tour in the museum.
Description: Indoors, visitors take the roles of a traffic police officer and spies. Through practical activities, we put ourselves in the role of an investigator. Testing seat belts, measuring response time, trying on drunk goggles, taking part in a riot, taking fingerprints on a card (everyone can take the fingerprints with them), making a photo robot, identifying false money, a lie detector test.
The visitors can also try the role of a spy. We analyse the played riot by the camera recording. We look into various possibilities of spying. We talk about traitors and their punishments. How tracable are we? On which condition can we be tracked? Which materials can be used as proof in court ?

Registration and information – +372 5301 2330 , pm@svm.ee

Registration and information:

Eesti Politseimuuseum

Opening hours:

September-juuni: T-P 10-16.00
Juuli-august: T-P 10-18.00

Politseimuuseum Sales +372 5301 2330 pm@svm.ee
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Fotoroboti koostamine Politseimuuseumis
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Ballistika Politseimuuseumis
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Laserkiired Politseimuuseumis
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