Stables and Coach House

The stables and the coach house were among the most important outbuildings in the manors, without them there was no heart of the manor.
There is also information about the stables and coach houses of Palmse Manor from quite far back, for example, in 1722 there were two stables here, the largest of which held 20 horses.
The current stable and coach house has arisen in several stages: parts of the walls of the south-east wing of a stone cattle yard built in the same place in 1779-1781 have been used.
However, the building got its current shape during the reconstruction carried out by Carl Magnus von der Pahlen in the early 1820s.
In better times, there were 36 riding horses in the stable.
The building was restored in 1977 and now houses the Lahemaa National Park Visitor Centre.