
History of the building
Glass buildings for growing melons, watermelons and fresh salads were found in Palmse at the end of the 18th century.
The current orangery was built in the time of Alexander von der Pahlen in the 1870s and thoroughly renovated 100 years later by Lahemaa National Park.
The last renovation of the orangery was completed in 2014-2015.
A new gardening style – gardenesque
Growing exotic plants became especially popular in the 19th century.
By that time, more than 5000 exotic plant species had been brought to Europe from the colonies.
Heating systems were also well advanced and technology for the production of plate glass was invented.
More and more proud greenhouses were built for exotic plants and a gardening style called gardenesque emerged.
In addition to growing plants, the orangery also welcomed guests and celebrated the birthdays of the gentlefolk and manor servants.
From peach to pineapple
Peaches were grown in one wing of the orangery, grapes in the other, palm, lemon and laurel trees in the middle and domestic pineapples also reached the party table.
From the first cold to the arrival of spring, this house is also home to plants that were outside in the summer, such as fuchsias, oleanders, pelargoniums and agaves.
The great queen of the night
Today, the Palmse Manor orangery is the third most rich in species in Estonia – more than 130 plant species grow here.
In the left-wing of the building towers a magnificent cactus or queen of the night, whose magnificent flowers open around Midsummer’s Day.
In the central part, canary island date palms catch the eye.