
The distillery in Palmse has been in more or less the same place since at least 1714, first as a wooden building.
The stone building was erected in 1774.

It is probable that hydropower was used to operate the distillery from the very beginning – it was equipped with a water wheel, to which water was brought by a canal dug next to a pond dam.
Hydropower was also used in the brewery to mix the mash and operate the pumps.

The current building with a 33-metre chimney was completed between 1860 and 1870 and operated only on steam.
In summer 1890, Kotov, a provincial mechanic, made sketches for a new boiler room in the distillery, but the project was not completed.
In the 1780s, the manor’s distillery made vodka for the manor’s four taverns and sold it to the cities.

In 1794, 2640 pails of vodka were produced in the Palmse Manor distillery, 600 pails of which were used for their own consumption and 2040 pails were sold in Estonia.

1 pail – 13.3 litres

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