Welcome to Rakvere Castle on September 11 – 13, 2024, for the annual General Assembly of the Association of Castles and Museums Around the Baltic Sea, and to the international conference “Our Secret Objects”.
This year, the conference will concentrate on objects in our collections – what they tell us and how we read and interpret their (hi)stories, how to plan and arrange their transport and evacuation, and unique discoveries.
WEDNESDAY, 11th September, Rakvere Castle
14.00 Board meeting
16.00 General Assembly
18.00 Visit to Rakvere Castle
THURSDAY, 12th September, Rehbinder House
Conference “OUR SECRET OBJECTS” at the Rehbinder House (Rakvere, Tallinna tn 5a)
10:30 Registration and Coffee
11:00 Welcome Speech. Ina Līne
President of the Board of the Association of Castles and Museums Around the Baltic Sea
11:05 – 11:10 Viljar Vissel (Executive Board Member, Foundation Virumaa Museums), Introduction on behalf of Rakvere Castle and Foundation Virumaa Museums
11:10 – 11:40 Grzegorz Stasiełowicz, MSc (The Archaeological and Historical Museum, Elbląg), Elbląg – reinterpretation. Traps and Victories.
11:40 – 12:10 Dzintra Spradzenko, MA (Rundāle Palace Museum), Small Findings Make Big Story
12:10 – 12:40 Hilkka Hiiop, PhD (Estonian Academy of Arts), Newly discovered ceiling painting in the House of Estlands’ nobility: the story of its de-/remounting, conservation, dating and context.
12:40 – 13:10 Bengt Kylsberg (Former Curator at Skokloster Castle), Does the size matter?
13:10 – 13:40 LUNCH
13:40 – 14:10 Gunta Zakite, MA (Head of Department of Education and Communication) and Justīne Timermane, MA
(Main Specialist – Historian), Inspired by the signs on the bricks or David od Turaida Castle
14:10 – 14:40 Ināra Bula, MA (Head of the Cēsu Museum and president of ICOMOS Latvija), Object and historical truth in the imagination of interpretation
14:40 – 15:10 Ina Līne, MA
15:10 – 15:40 Gregory Leighton, Phd (The Malbork Castle Museum), Days After World War 2 around the Baltic Sea (D.A.B.S). Proposal for cooperation and Project Outline
15:40 – 16:00 Closing words, time for discussion.
17.00 Guided tour at the Rehbinder House
FRIDAY, 13th September
9.00 Excursions: Purtse Castle – Toolse Castle (picnic) – Palmse manor – Kolga manor
Registration for participation in the event and conference HERE: REGISTRATION LINK!
Registration deadline: 31 August 2024
Registration fee: €80
Information on practical issues:
Viljar Vissel
Foundation Virumaa Museums